Wish I could just leave here and never look or think back. Soon though, only 24 days till I can escape this place, at least for a little while. Watching Seachange doesn't help! I'm excited to be going, but funnily I can't make myself plan for it, places I want to go and such during the day. I've booked tickets and accommodation. Wish I could motivate myself to do it. I've decided to go to Auckland first, than Wellington, Christchurch, Kaikoura, Greymouth (although I'm wondering if theres much to do there- it looks nice, but I've heard its a tiny town) and than back to Christchurch. I found it's actually cheaper and a better use of my time to fly to major cities, rather than catch trains/coaches. Hopefully it will be good. Wish I could share this with you James, and get your advice about it all. You give good advice, I remember. Wish you'd talk to me again, and wanted to know me. I don't know why but tonight I'm feeling more low than usual. Really miss you and wish we were friends again : /
Take me away please God (or someone/anyone!!)... I'd be happy with any of these places...

And maybe Greece for my next holiday? This photo has inspired me!

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