Sunday, August 1, 2010

The end of another day

I do like writing in this. I'm listening to meteor shower by Thomas
Newman and the rain dripping outside. I'm never usually up this late.
But I don't have to go to work tomorrow. I'm so disapointed about
Angelica. I wish she could have stayed. God knows best and I need to
trust her to him. Tomorrow is her first day at her new centre. Please
God provide her with kind caring people to look after her. She really
needs that. Thanks for her and that I've known her. She is the
lovliest little girl and I wish she was my daughter. I'm going to miss
her. She was cute last week. She unexpectedly said to me in the
afternoon 'good day', indicating that the day had been a happy one.
She's a bright little thing and I think this will come out more as she
makes progress in other areas and becomes more confident.
Felix was also lovely when I saw him Friday for the first time in two
weeks. He saw me and raced up to me and took my hand to lead me to
what he was doing. It was as though he had been waiting for me. If I
could pick two children in the world to be mine I'd choose these two.
I love them alot.
I've got a million craft things either on the go or planned. Tomorrow.
Thanks God for kind people like Alison, for Felix and Angelica and for
all you do for me.

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